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If you attend one Real Estate Investor event this year... Then make it...


March 23rd - 25th, 2023 In Austin, Texas.



URGENT Message From

James F. Hodges

Fellow Real Estate Investors,

Take a deep breath...

Imagine waking up 90 days from today:

Your acquisitions calendar is filled to the brim with pre-qualified sellers who actually want to sell their house. 

Your deal board is stacked with new deals and you’re looking at the closing calendar for the rest of the week to plan out how much your company is bringing in from the deals closing this week.

You have so much opportunity coming in from new leads and the ability to capitalize on almost all of the leads with your newfound exit strategy, Novations, that you have to hire more team members in order to keep up with the opportunities. 

And with each team member added, your burden becomes lighter and lighter. 

Your business is starting to become…


You are in a place where you no longer have to worry about IF you are going to close deals this month, which allows your mind to be fully present with your family when you are with them. 

You have a skillset that can generate deals any time you choose. 

If you want to have a record breaking month, it's yours.

If you want to slow down for a sec and enjoy the fruits of your labor with your family, you can do that too.

Because you can "turn it on" any time you want.

And you are rapidly working toward a place with your team where all of this can happen without your direct involvement.

That's a dream business.

And that's the type of business we want you to have.

Which is why...

We're hosting our upcoming Novations Workshop & Q1 Mastermind Event.

Which, as a Prominence Client, you can attend for free.

Our events are unlike anything you have ever attended before.

The transformational stories that come out of our events blow our minds.

For example, this is Garrett Bean.
He attended our Quarterly Mastermind in December of 2021.

At that time, he was closing a couple of deals per month in his business, but he was worn out from wearing all of the hats. 

But after that event, he made a commitment to make $1,500,000 and build out a full team in the next 12 months...

... and not only did he do exactly that.

Over the next 12 months he went on to build out his entire team and crushed his goal of $1.5 million by closing over $2,000,000 in 2022. 

And the best part is, he is not sitting in any of the front line seats of his business anymore. 

We want you to make a lot of money (a lot, a lot), and at the same time, we want you to have amazing relationships with your family and friends, we want you to be the healthiest you've ever been, we want you to have exciting hobbies that light you up outside of work...

Our goal is to help you build your dream business... without sacrificing your dream life...

That being said...

If you're ready to level up...

If you'd like to accomplish more in 90 days, than you have in the past 12 months...

If you want to make friends & connections with the people in your industry...

...you've gotta attend our upcoming Novations Workshop & Q1 Mastermind Event.

Here’s how it works: 

Day 1 is the Novations Workshop. 

This is a hands-on workshop where we are equipping you with everything you need to be able to utilize this incredibly powerful strategy in your business. 

Just this workshop will revolutionize your business with how many more deals you’ll immediately be able to close with Novations. 

(See the full Novations Workshop details on this page)

Days 2 & 3 are the REI Game Changers Q1 Mastermind. 

This is where we equip you with the strategies you need to be able to build a thriving business that can run without you. 

We have speakers teaching on Marketing Strategies, Sales Tactics, Hiring, Leadership, Creative Exit Strategies…

In addition to the incredible training, we also map out individual Quarterly Business Plans so that you walk away with an exact implementation plan to take your business to the next level over the next 90 days. 

In regards to your attendance, you have the opportunity to attend: 

Just Day 1 - The Novations Workshop 


All 3 Days - The Novations Workshop + Q1 Mastermind Event

Click the button below, lock in your seat, and we’ll see you soon. 

You, your business, and your family will not regret it, 

- James Hodges
- What is a Novation
- When to Use Novations
- Calculating Novation Offers
- Novations Pitch with Scripts
- How to Do a Novations Re-offer to Revive Your Dead Leads
- Novation Paperwork Breakdown 
- Novation Deal Case Studies
- Real Time Live Novation Offers to Sellers
 (Bring Your Leads, We’re Going to Be Making Offers To Sellers LIVE!)

  Learn How To Create A Bulletproof Wholesaling Business

How many more deals would you close if you could offer your sellers $30-50,000 more for their properties than you could with a wholesale offer?

That's the power of bringing Novations in your business. 

Novations allow us to convert significantly more of our leads into deals, and they protect our business in a recession market because we sell to retail buyers instead of investors who need to make a profit on their deals. 
Oftentimes we can double our deal volume just by adding this one strategy to our business. 

  REI Event Mixer

Some of the most valuable conversations happen in the halls and after hours of the event. The 'AHA' moments when speaking to another investor who has solved the exact challenge you are experiencing. Network with other investors from across the U.S during our Event Mixer. This is where some of the most money is made. 

  4 Bonus Presentations From Our Previous Events

As a BONUS we are giving away four of our most impactful presentations to help with scaling your Real Estate Investing Business. We are giving you step by step training on scaling your business through systems and processes, how to build out your real estate team, when to hire each team member and how to compensate each team member you bring on. These bonuses alone could revolutionize your business growth.  

  James Hodges Presents...

Discover how to operate like a 7 figure CEO in this powerful presentation that will kick Day 2 of our event off. Most business owners can't achieve 7 figures because of their own personal beliefs, actions and routines that hold them back. This presentation will give you the keys to exactly what is required and who you must become to deserve a 7 figure business and have the life of your dreams. 

  Taylor Fyhrie & Jason Roether Founders of Liberty Leads Presents...

Every investor want to speak with only motivated seller leads who are ready to sell their house. In this presentation Taylor & Jason will deep dive into inbound lead generation strategies that bring in the highest quality motivated seller leads. They will also dive deep into Motivated Seller Lead Data Reports from across the country to give you behind the scenes insight into how to really find the most motivated sellers possible. 

  Joel Medrano Presents 

Joel Medrano runs a $2 million real estate investing company, and will be revealing the strategies he used to go from $50k/mo to over $150k/mo consistently. He will be sharing the key breakthroughs he used to launch past 7 figures that you can take and immediately implement into your own business. 

  Deep Dive Into Your Business 

This event is not just a passive event where you sit and listen to speakers. We will also spend time IMPLEMENTING by taking you through our Quarterly Planning Process so that you know exactly what needs to happen in Quarter 2 to hit your specific business targets. We guarantee that you will leave the event with clarity on an exactly what your Quarter 2 business plan to take your business to the next level. 

  Network with other Real Estate Investors

This event is not open to just anyone, we have high level guests attending who are experts in different areas of the business. We also have only opened this up to certain individuals of the public who we feel will not only get value from the event, but will also add value to the other attendees there. 

  Rick Boyd Presents Sales Mastery

Prior to starting up his Real Estate Investing Business, Rick was in career salesman, eventually elevating to corporate sales management where he created, groomed, and lead sales teams. Rick was able to translate this experience into his own REI business and quickly scale his real estate sales team! He will be breaking down his 'Not a bad guy pitch' for sellers that he and his team have used to close hundreds of deals. 

  Darrin Carr from Carr Talent Presents...

Darrin has helped hire hundreds of people as a former corporate Director of Recruiting and now, in his own agency. helps companies grow through the addition of talented, motivated individuals. Discover Carr Talent's method of finding the perfect hire for your business and how you can implement their Targeted Sourcing method into your business. Darrin specializes in hiring for Real Estate Investment businesses and has also directly helped our own clients hire some of the most critical roles inside their businesses. 

  Garrett Bean Presents...

Garrett brings experience of renovating well over 250+ properties and owns over 40 single family rental properties. For fix and flips, he is closing deals where he puts $0 into the deal or he's actually walking away with cash in pocket at closing. Discover how Garret uses his strategy of BRRRR+ where he will either 1) end up putting $0 into the deal or 2) actually exit the deal with $10,000-$20,000 per rental at closing plus a fully renovated house. No money is ultimately invested into the rental, so it is a free house with technically infinite return as a result. 

  Rapid Fire Q&A...

Ask James Hodges ANYTHING About Marketing, Sales, Morning/Evening Routines, Hiring/Firing Staff Members, Problems Scaling, Or Anything Else... 
James Will Be An Open Book During This Rapid Fire Q&A...

  Day 1: Novations Workshop - Thursday 23rd March 9am - 5pm

  Day 1: Night Mixer - Thursday 23rd of March 6:00pm - 9:00pm

  Day 2 (Add-On): Strategy -- Friday 24th of March 9am - 4:30pm

  Day 3 (Add-On): Build -- Saturday 25th of March 9am - 4:30pm


Dates: March 23rd - 25th, 2023


When You Attend The Upcoming rEI game changers event here is what you will discover…..

Day 1 is dedicated to the Novations Workshop so that you walk away fully equipped with one of the most powerful strategies you can use as a real estate investor in today’s market. This strategy can double or triple your revenue by allowing you to capitalize on twice as many leads while also bringing in double the profit margins than wholesale deals. 

This can be immediately implemented with the old leads sitting in your CRM, so that you can see an immediate ROI from deals that would have been completely dead if you were just wholesaling. This game changing strategy is one of the pillars to the Bulletproof Wholesaling Model because it allows us to bring in big spreads in ANY market condition. 

Learning this strategy alone will easily pay for the entire event in deals you will close that you couldn't have closed before. 

You might even lock up a deal or two before the event is over because we will be making Novation offers LIVE at the event.  

James Hodges

James was able to scale his real estate business to multiple 7 figures in his first 18 months of real estate investing. 

In this powerful Novations Workshop James will do a deep dive on the exact step by step process of implementing Novations into your business that can add multiple extra deals per month from this strategy alone. 

With the ability to offer sometimes $30-$50,000 more for properties than a wholesaler, and profit 2-3X more than traditional wholesale deals, this one strategy can add an extra 6 or 7 figures to your business from leads that you are already generating with your marketing efforts. 

What is covered on this full Novations day workshop

- What is a Novation
- When to Use Novations
- Calculating Novation Offers
- Novations Pitch with Scripts
- How to Do a Novations Re-offer to Revive Your Dead Leads
- Novation Paperwork Breakdown 
- Novation Deal Case Studies
- Real Time Live Novation Offers to Sellers
(Bring Your Leads, We’re Going to Be Making Offers To Sellers LIVE!)

- BONUS: Novations Calculator that will instantly calculate your Novations offer

James Hodges

James was able to scale his real estate business to multiple 7 figures in his first 18 months of real estate investing. 

In this powerful Novations Workshop James will do a deep dive on the exact step by step process of implementing Novations into your business that can add multiple extra deals per month from this strategy alone. 

With the ability to offer sometimes $30-$50,000 more for properties than a wholesaler, and profit 2-3X more than traditional wholesale deals, this one strategy can add an extra 6 or 7 figures to your business from leads that you are already generating with your marketing efforts. 

What is covered on this full Novations day workshop

- What is a Novation
- When to Use Novations
- Calculating Novation Offers
- Novations Pitch with Scripts
- How to Do a Novations Re-offer to Revive Your Dead Leads
- Novation Paperwork Breakdown 
- Novation Deal Case Studies
- Real Time Live Novation Offers to Sellers
(Bring Your Leads, We’re Going to Be Making Offers To Sellers LIVE!)

- BONUS: Novations Calculator that will instantly calculate your Novations offer

Sometimes Your Biggest “Aha-Moments” Don't Come From What’s Shared By A Speaker On Stage, But From Another Attendee Over Drinks...

Small Call to Action Headline

Sometimes Your Biggest “Aha-Moments” Don't Come From What’s Shared By A Speaker On Stage, But From Another Attendee Over Drinks...

Small Call to Action Headline

Taylor Fyhrie & Jason Roether

Founders of Liberty Leads, a highly motivated inbound marketing channel

Liberty leads is an inbound lead generation company that produces highly motivated seller leads for Real Estate Investors across the country. The founders of the company, Taylor and Jason will be discussing inbound marketing channels and how to extract the most value out of every lead that comes into your business. Inbound marketing channels can be a game changer for most businesses due to their low time commitment and high motivation. Pair this strategy with having two exit strategies that you will learn on day 1of this 3 day event, and you will be unstoppable. 


- Inbound marketing strategies and how they can be implemented in your business  

- How to manage your inbound leads so that you extract the most value out of every lead that comes into the business

- Step by step follow up process for inbound leads 

- The DO'S & The DON'Ts 

- BONUS: Q&A with the founders of Liberty Leads

Taylor Fyhrie & Jason Roether

Founders of Liberty Leads, a highly motivated inbound marketing channel

Liberty leads is an inbound lead generation company that produces highly motivated seller leads for Real Estate Investors across the country. The founders of the company, Taylor and Jason will be discussing inbound marketing channels and how to extract the most value out of every lead that comes into your business. Inbound marketing channels can be a game changer for most businesses due to their low time commitment and high motivation. Pair this strategy with having two exit strategies that you will learn on day 1of this 3 day event, and you will be unstoppable. 


- Inbound marketing strategies and how they can be implemented in your business  

- How to manage your inbound leads so that you extract the most value out of every lead that comes into the business

- Step by step follow up process for inbound leads 

- The DO'S & The DON'Ts 

- BONUS: Q&A with the founders of Liberty Leads

Joel Medrano

Joel runs a 2 million Real Estate Investing Business utilizing wholesaling, house flipping and creative exit strategies. 

Joel presents on the biggest learning lessons and jumps you need to make as an investor to break past the 30k-50k a month so that you can unlock a 100k a month. There's jumps that are required to see the exponential growth most of you are looking for and we are presenting the solutions from real world experience of exactly how to achieve this. Joel who has been in Real Estate since 2014 and done everything from wholesale deals, flips, Buy & Holds, Subto deals, and Novations. 

His wide range of experience in different exit strategies and in marketing will make this a very eye opening presentation. 

Unlock The Secrets To:

- What is keeping you stuck at 30-50k months. 

- What are the key changes Joel made to see exponential growth in his business to see consistent 100k+ months in his business. 

- Learn how Joel has a small efficient team in place who is carrying out the day to day operations of the business for him. 

- Rapid Q&A

Joel Medrano

Joel runs a 2 million Real Estate Investing Business utilizing wholesaling, house flipping and creative exit strategies. 

Joel presents on the biggest learning lessons and jumps you need to make as an investor to break past the 30k-50k a month so that you can unlock a 100k a month. There's jumps that are required to see the exponential growth most of you are looking for and we are presenting the solutions from real world experience of exactly how to achieve this. Joel who has been in Real Estate since 2014 and done everything from wholesale deals, flips, Buy & Holds, Subto deals, and Novations. 

His wide range of experience in different exit strategies and in marketing will make this a very eye opening presentation. 

Unlock The Secrets To:

- What is keeping you stuck at 30-50k months. 

- What are the key changes Joel made to see exponential growth in his business to see consistent 100k+ months in his business. 

- Learn how Joel has a small efficient team in place who is carrying out the day to day operations of the business for him. 

- Rapid Q&A

This Event Is Not Just Information... It's...

Quarterly Business Planing

The Quarterly business planning is broken into 2 parts across Friday and Saturday. Part 1 of Quarterly Business Planning will be spent on reflection. Learning what went well, what didn't, what needs to improve and what are the biggest bottlenecks that if we solve them it will force your business to see exponential growth.  

Quarterly Business Planning:

- Reflection on Q1. We will dive into the metrics of your business and look at what seem to be the biggest bottlenecks holding your business back from further growth. 

- Reviewing what is you need to continue doing, stop doing, and start doing in your business to give you clarity of what is working well. 

- Using specific frameworks that James uses in his own 7 figure businesses, we will identify the primary bottlenecks that are constricting the growth of your business 

- Once your primary bottlenecks are identified, in part two of the Quarterly planning session we will map out the exact plan to resolve the bottlenecks for your business so that the business can experience exponential growth. 

Dates: March 23rd - 25th, 2023


Garrett Bean

Discover Garrett's BRRR+ method where no money is invested into the rental and can walk away with up to $20,000 per rental at closing plus a fully renovated house. 

Garrett brings experience of renovating well over 250+ properties and owns over 40 single family rental properties. For fix and flips, he is closing deals where he puts $0 into the deal or he's actually walking away with cash in pocket at closing. Discover how Garret uses his strategy of BRRRR+ where he will either 1) end up putting $0 into the deal or 2) actually exit the deal with $10,000-$20,000 per rental at closing plus a fully renovated house. No money is ultimately invested into the rental, so it is a free house with technically infinite return as a result.

Unlock The Secrets To:

Bonus Presentation - How to save 17% at Lowe’s Everyday on literally Everything in Store

BRRR+ Method that allows you to acquire rental properties for  $0 out of pocket.  

Learn the secrets of flipping over 250 houses without using your own money.

Garrett Bean

Discover Garrett's BRRR+ method where no money is invested into the rental and can walk away with up to $20,000 per rental at closing plus a fully renovated house. 

Garrett brings experience of renovating well over 250+ properties and owns over 40 single family rental properties. For fix and flips, he is closing deals where he puts $0 into the deal or he's actually walking away with cash in pocket at closing. Discover how Garret uses his strategy of BRRRR+ where he will either 1) end up putting $0 into the deal or 2) actually exit the deal with $10,000-$20,000 per rental at closing plus a fully renovated house. No money is ultimately invested into the rental, so it is a free house with technically infinite return as a result.

Unlock The Secrets To:

Bonus Presentation - How to save 17% at Lowe’s Everyday on literally Everything in Store

BRRR+ Method that allows you to acquire rental properties for  $0 out of pocket.  

Learn the secrets of flipping over 250 houses without using your own money.

Rick Boyd

Who runs his own successful wholesaling business will be walking you through some of his top sales tips and tricks that will increase your close rate. 

Prior to starting up his Real Estate Investing Business, Rick was in career salesman, eventually elevating to corporate sales management where he created, groomed, and lead sales teams. Rick was able to translate this experience into his own REI business and quickly scale his real estate sales team! He will be breaking down his 'Not a Bad Guy Sales Pitch' for sellers that he and his team have used to close hundreds of deals. 

In This Presentation Discover...

- Sales Hacks to Quickly Increase Your Closing Rate 

- 'Not The Bad Guy' Sales Pitch 

- Live Role Play Examples 

- Rapid Q&A

Rick Boyd

Who runs his own successful wholesaling business will be walking you through some of his top sales tips and tricks that will increase your close rate. 

Prior to starting up his Real Estate Investing Business, Rick was in career salesman, eventually elevating to corporate sales management where he created, groomed, and lead sales teams. Rick was able to translate this experience into his own REI business and quickly scale his real estate sales team! He will be breaking down his 'Not a Bad Guy Sales Pitch' for sellers that he and his team have used to close hundreds of deals. 

In This Presentation Discover...

- Sales Hacks to Quickly Increase Your Closing Rate 

- 'Not The Bad Guy' Sales Pitch 

- Live Role Play Examples 

- Rapid Q&A

Darrin Carr from Carr Talent 

Founder of Carr Talent Acquisition. A recruiting and HR Agency to help find top talent for the business

Darrin has helped hire hundreds of people as a former corporate Director of Recruiting and now, in his own agency. he really enjoy watching companies grow with the addition of talented, motivated individuals. Equally, he loves to watch the careers of those placed individuals flourish after we put them in the right company. 

Discover Carr Talents method of finding the perfect hire for your business and how you can implement this in your business. Using targeted sourcing – they don’t just post ads. We find the perfect fitting candidates and spark their interest with your company and opportunity. Walking you through Full-Cycle Recruitment Process Outsourcing, Sourcing & Candidate Outreach, Job Ad Posting & Management, Applicant Screening, Candidate Interviewing. Human Resources such as New Hire Onboarding, Employee Retention, Growth Management, Employee Optimization & Resources, Leadership & Culture, Protection, Liability, & General.


- Full-Cycle Recruitment Process 

- Job Ad Posting & Management

- New Hire Onboarding

- Employee Optimization & Resources

Darrin Carr from Carr Talent 

Founder of Carr Talent Acquisition. A recruiting and HR Agency to help find top talent for the business

Darrin has helped hire hundreds of people as a former corporate Director of Recruiting and now, in his own agency. he really enjoy watching companies grow with the addition of talented, motivated individuals. Equally, he loves to watch the careers of those placed individuals flourish after we put them in the right company. 

Discover Carr Talents method of finding the perfect hire for your business and how you can implement this in your business. Using targeted sourcing – they don’t just post ads. We find the perfect fitting candidates and spark their interest with your company and opportunity. Walking you through Full-Cycle Recruitment Process Outsourcing, Sourcing & Candidate Outreach, Job Ad Posting & Management, Applicant Screening, Candidate Interviewing. Human Resources such as New Hire Onboarding, Employee Retention, Growth Management, Employee Optimization & Resources, Leadership & Culture, Protection, Liability, & General.


- Full-Cycle Recruitment Process 

- Job Ad Posting & Management

- New Hire Onboarding

- Employee Optimization & Resources

This Event Is Not Just Information... It's...

Quarterly Business Planing

Part 2: The build, after reflecting on Q1 we will now build for Q2. This second part of the Quarterly business planning will build off the first part. 

Quarterly Business Planning:

- Reflection on Q1. We will dive into the metrics of your business and look at what seem to be the biggest bottlenecks holding your business back from further growth. 

- Reviewing what is you need to continue doing, stop doing, and start doing in your business to give you clarity of what is working well. 

- Using specific frameworks that James uses in his own 7 figure businesses, we will identify the primary bottlenecks that are constricting the growth of your business 

- Once your primary bottlenecks are identified, in part two of the Quarterly planning session we will map out the exact plan to resolve the bottlenecks for your business so that the business can experience exponential growth. 


Just For You When You SAVE Your Seat

Get Access to Our 4 
Best Selling Courses 

  • Hidden Pockets List - Learn how to tap into motivated seller lists that only the top 1% of investors know about
  • 7 Figure SMS Scripts - TOP 20 Opening SMS Messages That Guarantee A Reply Back. Play-by-Play Follow Up Scripts To Re-engage Old Leads. 
  • Free Seller Leads for Life Course
  • ​Buyer Attraction System
  • ​All On An Exclusive Private Dashboard Where All Trainings Can Be Replayed or Re-accessed At Any Time


Just For You When You SAVE Your Seat

Get Access to Our 4 
Best Selling Courses 

  • Hidden Pockets List - Learn how to tap into motivated seller lists that only the top 1% of investors know about
  • 7 Figure SMS Scripts - TOP 20 Opening SMS Messages That Guarantee A Reply Back. Play-by-Play Follow Up Scripts To Re-engage Old Leads. 
  • Free Seller Leads for Life Course
  • ​Buyer Attraction System
  • ​All On An Exclusive Private Dashboard Where All Trainings Can Be Replayed or Re-accessed At Any Time

Dates: March 23rd - 25th, 2023


How Much Is It?

To Attend Our Full Day Novations Only Workshop & 2 Day Q1 Mastermind  

Normally $3,000

Early Bird Discount To Attend All 3 Days


Save Your Seat Today

We want to over deliver on your experience attending our REI Game Changers Novations & Q1 Mastermind Event. In these special bonuses it's a package deal of the key things Real Estate Investors need to know in order to scale their business safely. 
We have chosen the bonuses with that in mind. 

We also believe that these four presentations are nothing you have ever seen before and we want to get you super excited about what you will experience at our 3 day event in March. 

This will be the first time we have ever opened our events to the public, all of our events have been exclusive to clients only. This means we want to keep the calibre of people at this event super high as our clients will also be here. If you are seeing this page it means you were selected to attend the event because we feel you and your business are going to experience exponential growth from attending it. 

This event is not open to anyone who wants to attend, we are sending this to only those who we have spoken to and know would add value and also receive a lot of value from the event. 


How To Leverage Your Team With Processes 

Discover how to BUY back your time through systems & processes. Leverage your team and increase their efficiency by using this step by step presentation. BONUS: Includes an SOP site.


Scaling Formula 

Discover the step by step formula on scaling you Real Estate Investing Business. Learn the scaling sequence stabilize, optimize and expand and what each step entails. How to scale marketing & the team with efficiency. Understand the exact metrics that will tell you your business is prepared to scale. 



Discover how to maintain momentum as you scale. So that you have consistent & predictable deal flow coming In on a WEEKLY basis, as opposed to having ups and downs. 

We do this by simplifying our focus on one primary metric In the company: The Moneyball. 


Building A High Performance Team

Ever wondered when to hire and who to hire at every stage of the business?

 In this incredible presentation you will have the exact hire you need to make at each deal volume inside your business, the personality profile they should have to make them a great team member for the role and the exact compensation structure for each. 

Dates: March 23rd - 25th, 2023


  Ticket To The Event(s)

  Admittance To The REI Event Mixer on Thursday

  ​Access to our 4 best seller courses in an exclusive dashboard

  BONUS 1: Presentation -  Leveraging Your Team With Process

  BONUS 2: Presentation - Scaling Formula

  BONUS 3: Presentation - How to maintain momentum as you scale

  BONUS 4: Presentation -  Building A High Performance Team

Dates: March 23rd - 25th, 2023


What are the event dates & times?
Day 1 Novations Only Workshop: Thursday, March 23rd from 9am-5pm 
Event Mixer: Thursday, March 23rd from 6:30pm - 9:30pm at XXX
Day 2: Friday, March 24th. Breakfast from 8am-9am. Day 1 runs from 9am - 4:30pm (If you purchased to attend Day 2)
Day 3: Saturday, March 25th. Breakfast from 8am-9am. Day 2 runs from 9am-4:30PM. (If you purchased to attend Day 3)
What are the event dates & times?
Day 1 Novations Only Workshop: Thursday, March 23rd from 9am-5pm 
Event Mixer: Thursday, March 23rd from 6:30pm - 9:30pm at XXX
Day 2: Friday, March 24th. Breakfast from 8am-9am. Day 1 runs from 9am - 4:30pm (If you purchased to attend Day 2)
Day 3: Saturday, March 25th. Breakfast from 8am-9am. Day 2 runs from 9am-4:30PM. (If you purchased to attend Day 3)
Where is the event venue? 
The venue for the REI event mixer and all 3 days of the event will be The Westin Hotel Downtown Austin TX. 
Where is the event venue? 
The venue for the REI event mixer and all 3 days of the event will be The Westin Hotel Downtown Austin TX. 
Which airport do I fly into? 
Austin Bergstrom International Airport. About 20 minutes from Downtown Austin where the venue is hosted. 
Which airport do I fly into? 
Austin Bergstrom International Airport. About 20 minutes from Downtown Austin where the venue is hosted. 
Where should I stay? 
Book your hotel or AirBnB in Downtown Austin TX. The closer you are to the venue the better. Some recommendations: The Westin where the venue is held (4.5 Star), Sonder Air BnB (4 star), Hilton Garden Inn Hotel (4 star)

Note: We do not have room blocks or discounts available at this time. 
Where should I stay? 
Book your hotel or AirBnB in Downtown Austin TX. The closer you are to the venue the better. Some recommendations: The Westin where the venue is held (4.5 Star), Sonder Air BnB (4 star), Hilton Garden Inn Hotel (4 star)

Note: We do not have room blocks or discounts available at this time. 
What transportation options are there? 
We recommend downloading either the Uber or Lyft app for your transportation needs during the event. Austin also has Lime bikes & scooters located everywhere these are also very handy to use if you are close to the venue.
What transportation options are there? 
We recommend downloading either the Uber or Lyft app for your transportation needs during the event. Austin also has Lime bikes & scooters located everywhere these are also very handy to use if you are close to the venue.
What should I wear? 
There is no formal dress code for the event. Our meeting room WILL be on the cool side though, so plan accordingly and bring an additional sweater, wrap, or jacket. 
What should I wear? 
There is no formal dress code for the event. Our meeting room WILL be on the cool side though, so plan accordingly and bring an additional sweater, wrap, or jacket. 
Will food be provided? 
We will provide coffee, water and light snacks, but we will not be catering lunch or dinner.
Will food be provided? 
We will provide coffee, water and light snacks, but we will not be catering lunch or dinner.
Can I bring my spouse or business partner? 
Yes. You are permitted to bring your business partner(s) to the event free of charge. We advise you to not bring any acquisition/dispo reps to this event as it’s designed for business owners. 

If you would like to bring additional guests please contact us.

Can I bring my spouse or business partner? 
Yes. You are permitted to bring your business partner(s) to the event free of charge. We advise you to not bring any acquisition/dispo reps to this event as it’s designed for business owners. 

If you would like to bring additional guests please contact us.

Do you offer refunds on the Event Tickets? 
No there is no refunds on tickets purchased, once you purchase your ticket(s) to attend the event we consider that a RSVP to attend the event that you will be coming. 
Do you offer refunds on the Event Tickets? 
No there is no refunds on tickets purchased, once you purchase your ticket(s) to attend the event we consider that a RSVP to attend the event that you will be coming. 
How can I contact you with other questions? 
We are happy to answer any questions you might have leading up to the event or prior to booking your tickets. Please email: support@reigamechangers.com  
How can I contact you with other questions? 
We are happy to answer any questions you might have leading up to the event or prior to booking your tickets. Please email: support@reigamechangers.com  
@2022 reigamechangers.com All Rights Reserved